Categories: Baby Shower Invitations

3 Unique Baby Shower Ideas

3 Unique Baby Shower Ideas

Twin Baby Shower Ideas

One of our most popular baby shower ideas are these pea pod invitations that we designed years ago.  Although originally designed for a twin baby shower, these invitations are for a dual baby shower for two sisters-in-law! The invitation is two die cut “peas” that are then placed inside a green felt “pod”.  The invitations are mailed in a matching green envelope.

The favors are our favorite part.  The favor cards are designed with a graphic of a pea pod and then the center has a hole drilled. Next, our client put an eos®¹ lip balm on the card to be one of the peas!  ADORABLE!

Travel Theme Baby Shower

Nicole is our most devoted client of all time.  We designed her wedding invitations and since then, we made her housewarming invitations, gender reveal party invitations, and birthday party invitations for her two sons. (You can see them here and here ) Plus we have designed shower invitations (and this one) for her family members.  Her sister-in-law’s shower is travel theme so we made the invitation into a world map! The front of the baby shower invitation was printed with the phrase “oh the places he will go”. Next, each guest had a personalized tag tied with baker’s twine.

The invitations are mailed in navy blue envelopes with flag address labels.We designed cards for the baby shower favors.  Following the travel theme baby shower, we designed a hot air balloon with the phrase “ready to pop”. Nicole purchased eos®¹ lip balm and screwed the top and bottom onto the cards.

Fairytale Baby Shower

Another one of beloved clients is another Nicole! We designed her infographic wedding invitations and she asked us to design a unicorn baby shower invitation for her twin sister.  The invitations are very feminine with a pink floral border and a gold unicorn. Gold envelopes are designed with a unicorn on the return address and the guest’s addresses are inside a floral border that matches the invitations.

Contact us today to design baby shower invitations for you!

¹EOS is a trademark of EOS PRODUCTS LLC. eos® makes effective beauty products, including natural lip care products, that are designed to bring delight and style to daily routines.