Earth Friendly Green Letterpress Invitations!

Jessica contacted me with my first request for “Green” invitations. Kevin is an environmentalist and the paper products were very important to him. We did these invitations with 100% cotton rag stock. So not only is it paper free, but it is using scrap from the cotton industry! We did an RSVP postcard to further due the material and there are no inner envelopes.

But the other amazing side of these invitations is the story of the design. When I started to talking to Jessica about the design she mentioned that she was wearing her great-grandmother’s broach in her hair. The broach was also the inspiration behind her wedding dress. I jumped at the chance to do something so personal on her invitations.

Picture of Jessica’s great-Grandmother’s Broach

First Proof attempt

Second Proof attempt

The invitations are two color – red and brown. All of the inserts and outer envelope are letterpressed in brown and I had the design drape over the flap of the envelopes. Custom stamps were designed for the pieces. Jessica is having the envelopes done in calligraphy and also deep red sashes around the inserts will be done in calligraphy.

Thanks you two for choosing me. The invitations were important to both Jessica and Kevin for different reasons and I’m thrilled that I was able to work on these.

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