Categories: Formal Wedding InvitationsWedding Invitations

Blue and Silver Wedding Invitations

Blue and Silver Wedding Invitations

Blue and silver wedding invitations will always be in style. Jaclyn’s wedding colors are blue and silver and she loves the look of a vintage pocketfold invitation. When we start the process of designing invitations, we always send over three proofs to start. Jaclyn chose elements from each of the three proofs and we finalized with this beauty! The silver glitter adds texture, a little bling, and elegance. Three inserts typically fill the pocket of this style invitation.  The vintage ornament on the invitation is also on the inserts. The ornament drapes over all three inserts to form one large design.


You always need to have a way to seal a pocketfold shut. We love designing belly bands.  They are inexpensive, add color, more design, and lots of interest. Jaclyn’s belly band has their monogram with the same ornament as the invitation.