How to plan your own wedding quickly – Royal Wedding Style
How to plan your wedding quickly – Royal Wedding Style
Are you a Royal Wedding fanatic like me? I remember when I was gone to my Grandparent’s for a week in the summer of 1981, my mom recorded Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s wedding on the VCR for me. I watched it for hours on a small 12″ color tv. Maybe I should have realized it was destiny that I work in the wedding industry today.
photo: Tim Graham/Getty Images
With the announcement of the upcoming wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle, everyone is starving for wedding predictions and all things “Royal”. InStyle posted an article on “How to Plan a Whirlwind Wedding like a Royal” and guess who got quoted about invitations?!
Tifany Wunschl of Gourmet Invitations says this is typically what takes couples the longest to put together. “If you want to do something special, such as engraving, laser cutting, or printing on metal or acrylic—these all take extra time,” she added.
photo credit: Alexi Lubomirski via The Kensington Palace